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NPQSL - Communications Plan

NPQSL - Communications Plan

This is my communications plan from my NPQSL final project passed in 2020. This was highly commended by the course tutors and project moderator. It is one of the most difficult parts of the project to get everything in the right place and I found looking at other examples very useful.** PLEASE PLEASE take a moment to leave a review or rating if you find this resource useful.**
NPQSL - Business Case

NPQSL - Business Case

This is my business case from my NPQSL final project passed in 2020. This was highly commended by the course tutors and project moderator. It is one of the most difficult parts of the project to get everything in the right place and I found looking at other examples very useful. PLEASE PLEASE take a moment to leave a review or rating if you find this resource useful.
NPQSL Final Submission and Feedback 2020

NPQSL Final Submission and Feedback 2020

This is my NPQSL final assessment and feedback. The project title is: Developing a whole school approach to literacy to reduce variation in progress across KS3 between the low prior attainers, SEND, and Disadvantaged student groups. I passed my NPQSL with 24/28. The thing I most struggled with was trying to decipher what should go in each of the sections. Hopefully this will be of use to you as you also grapple with how to put together the final written submission. I have also included the feedback from the moderator as this is particularly useful especially in the areas where I did not quite score full marks. There is also a full set of appendices as well. I have blanked out names in the document where needed. If you purchase this document and you are able to take a few moments to leave a review that would be very much appreciated.
NPQSL - Risk Management Plan

NPQSL - Risk Management Plan

This is my risk management plan from my NPQSL final project passed in 2020. This was highly commended by the course tutors and project moderator. It is one of the most difficult parts of the project to get everything in the right place and I found looking at other examples very useful. PLEASE PLEASE take a moment to leave a review or rating if you find this resource useful.
NPQSL Final submission

NPQSL Final submission

4 Resources
This bundle contains all of the elements needed for your final submission. The final form and all supporting required documents. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) If you purchase this bundle and find it useful please take a moment to leave a short review. Thanks